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Responsible Gaming

Last Updated at August 01, 2020 0800  HBET63

HBET63 maintains a strong commitment to provide our customers with a responsible gambling environment. Although gambling should be enjoyed as a recreational activity, it can nevertheless also cause a problem for a minority of customers. HBET63 aims to prevent compulsive usage and underage access to its online games while simultaneously providing a friendly and entertaining gambling experience for its customers. As a responsible operator, the wellbeing of the HBET63’s customers is of utmost importance.

Remember though that whilst gambling operators can provide tools with which an individual can control their gambling, the operator cannot assume all responsibility for exercising that control. There must be a large element of personal responsibility.

The following are a few things our customers should remember to keep control while gambling:

  1. Gambling should not be a way of making money or paying debts. It should be entertaining
  2. Customers should familiarize themselves with the Sports Betting Rules and Games Betting Rules
  3. Customers should only gamble the amount that they can afford to lose
  4. Customers should not try to chase losses
  5. Customers should keep track of the amount of money and time they have spent gambling

HBET63 is aware that occasional gambling might develop into a problem for customers. HBET63 encourages customers to consider seeking professional assistance from any of organizations if our customers suspect that they have a gambling problem.